Promote The First Lifetime Stock Footage Website & Earn Up To 50% Commissions
Sign up for The Stock Footage Club's Affiliate Program
How Our Affiliate Program Works
Share The Stock Footage Club With Your Audience
Your audience Visits Our High Converting Landing Page
You'll Get A Commission With Each Referral Sale
Why Join Our Affiliate Program?
Your commissions will increase as your sales increase. Commissions start at 30%.
We are here to assist you in making sure your promotion is a great success.
See exactly how your campaigns are performing in real time.
Any sales within 30 days of clicking on your link will be credited to you.
Notices are sent to your email's inbox each time an affiliate sale is made.
Premium affiliates get instant payments. Standard affiliates it will take 30 days.
Get paid for any commissions you make, whether it is $1 OR $1000.
Our Tiered Commission Rates
Earn 30% Commission
For the first 5 sales of each month
Earn 40% Commission
For sales 5 - 10
(resets on 1st of each month)
Earn 50% Commission
for sales after the first 10 (resets on 1st of each month)
Who Should Join?
And everyone else who thinks their audience will love The Stock Footage Club.
An affiliate is someone who participates in one of our affiliate programs. Affiliates place a link for the vendor (The Stock Footage Club) in their resources and receive commissions from sales of the vendor’s products if people use the link for their purchases.
Anyone who has a website, a social media page, a blog, a YouTube channel, or any other resource on the internet which can be used to promote The Stock Footage Club can participate in the Stock Footage Club affiliate programs. For more details, visit our Affiliate Terms page.
There is no charge for registration or participation. It’s free to become an affiliate partner.
Your payments will be sent after the refund period has expired (Thirty days from the date of purchase). New affiliates with under five sales will have to wait an additional seven days. Premium affiliates have the ability to get instant payouts at the time of purchase.
Premium affiliates are affiliates that have consistently generated over $200/month in commissions for at least three months and have a verifiably traffic source. Once you unlock Premium Affiliate status, you will receive a commision boost and other additional rewards.
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